During all of September, different local actors in Malmö is creating activities celebrating and discussing the rooms of the city, architecture and culture during "Malmö in the making". Everything is free and open for everyone!
My community studio at Artibus has joined and our exhibition ”Malmö in ceramics” will be open every Saturday during all of September! We are all interpreting what we think is special and typical with Malmö - and having seen the pieces now I can tell you that they are all very different!
My piece is called “Welcome”.
“My Malmö. All are welcome. No strive for perfection. Speckles, flaws and cracks are worn with pride.”
Seemingly perfect cylinders all have their own kind of flaw when you look closer. There are cracks and drips in the glaze. Rough edges. Different colours. Different sizes. A very messy first try of kintsugi… And all grouped together, in the same neighbourhood. My Malmö.
The exhibition is open this weekend Saturday and Sunday 11-16, and the following Saturdays during September 11-16. Location: Artibus at Södra Förstadsgatan 70.